
Monday Oct 17, 2016
2.25 Smartphones
Monday Oct 17, 2016
Monday Oct 17, 2016
Yet another listener's question answered by Three Views On! Check out this episode to find out why you should be addicted to your smartphone and why the minimalist lifestyle is intriguing but falls short of capturing life's full potential. (This episode description may or may not have been written without the direct consultation of Paul)

Monday Oct 03, 2016
2.24 Three Reviews On: Batman v Superman
Monday Oct 03, 2016
Monday Oct 03, 2016
One on one punch-ups - They're usually the highlight of an action movie. But DC comics and Warner Bros. took it to the next level. Here's our review of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice!

Monday Sep 26, 2016
2.23 Trump v Hillary
Monday Sep 26, 2016
Monday Sep 26, 2016
All three of us are Australian, yet we keep finding ourselves in conversations revolving around American Politics! Who would you vote for? Trump, Hillary, or Robert Downey Jr.? In this episode, we navigate an epic journey through American politics ending in weird, murky waters where we decide between Trump or Hillary!

Monday Aug 29, 2016
2.22 Tough/Unanswerable Questions
Monday Aug 29, 2016
Monday Aug 29, 2016
To figure out once and for all whether Three Views On is able to be a helpful and informative podcast we decided to ask our listeners for hard/unanswerable questions which they'd like an answer to. Turns out Michael and Simon would make a brilliant trivia team! If you asked a question, then make sure you listen to this episode to find out the answer!

Monday Aug 29, 2016
Sneaky - Paul's Wedding Gifts
Monday Aug 29, 2016
Monday Aug 29, 2016
#3VO is no longer 3 single guys, but 3 married men with responsibilities! To celebrate Paul's new-found maturity, we picked 5 super-serious presents for him and then explained the reasoning behind each of them. WARNING: The presents are neither serious nor mature - and Michael and Simon refuse to sign an affidavit saying they are responsible or mature. Paul has not yet been approached for comment.

Monday Aug 08, 2016
2.21 Pokemon Go!
Monday Aug 08, 2016
Monday Aug 08, 2016
Is Pokemon Go a money grab or a highly satisfying experience for consumers? Is it a fad or here to stay? Compared with other apps, is it even good?

Wednesday Aug 03, 2016
Sneaky - Dating Q&A
Wednesday Aug 03, 2016
Wednesday Aug 03, 2016
Simon pointed out that we didn't actually ANSWER THE QUESTION our listener asked us. So we recorded this sneaky episode to specifically answer the question: "As a Christian in a new (and first) relationship, could you guys give your views on Biblical dating (with marriage as the goal)? Maybe with some discussion on age differences, is there a wrong way (ie. the woman older that the guy)? Also is there a time period that would be to soon to get engaged as a Christian?Whatever you guy feel like explaining and is relevant.This would be much appreciated! Thank you!"

Monday Aug 01, 2016
2.20 Literally Nothing V
Monday Aug 01, 2016
Monday Aug 01, 2016
Socks. Synthesiser. Wedding rings. Driving a manual. Predestination. Literally Nothing - Part V

Monday Jul 25, 2016
19. Minimalism
Monday Jul 25, 2016
Monday Jul 25, 2016
Ever wondered how you accumulated 5 cables, five recipe books, three pairs of shoes, and two bicycles that you never ever use? Does having physical space equate to having mental space? If you've wondered how you can make life a little bit more simple, boy has Paul got news for you! He's writing a blog about minimalism and small things to change that can make life more simple. www.theresgottobelesstolife.com

Monday Jul 18, 2016
2.18 Dating
Monday Jul 18, 2016
Monday Jul 18, 2016
Dating philosophy can be a divisive topic. A broad range of worldviews brings a broad range of definitions and confusion often reigns! We were asked - as three guys who've successfully navigated the waters of pre-marriage romantic relationships - how to go about a romantic relationship. Here are the answers we gave, whether you like them or not! Let us know what you think about our ideas.